Supporting Australian Commandos and Their Families

The Zero79 Foundation holds the distinct honour of being the sole registered charity in the country dedicated exclusively to providing support for current and former serving Commandos and their families. With profound connections within the commando community, we actively utilise these ties to maintain our relevance and agility in addressing the unique needs of our beneficiaries. The Foundation stands as a steadfast pillar, committed to providing unwavering support to Commandos and their families.

Zero79 Foundation Mission

To provide niche support to current and former serving Commandos and their families in honour of all fallen Commandos.

konnect and focus

Fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among Australian commandos.

family Bonds

Our commitment to supporting commandos and their families is realised through a range of programs, initiatives and dedicated support services offering assistance tailored to the unique needs of the commando community.

Empowering Commandos and Their Families

The Zero79 Foundation is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and assistance to current and former 079 operators of the 1st and 2nd Commando Regiment and their families. We collaborate with esteemed defence-based networks and proudly promote Australian commando businesses worldwide.

Financial Assistance for Commandos and Their Families

Educational Scholarships for Commando Families

Mental Health Support Programs for Commandos and Their Families

Honouring The Fallen

Read the incredible stories of all the commandos this foundations pays tribute to in everything we do.


Discover the narratives of these extraordinary individuals and their valuable contributions to our nation.


Uncover the selfless dedication that embodies the spirit of the Australian commandos.

Upcoming and Past Events

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Hawaii for the Na Koa Wounded Warrior and Gold Star Family regatta

17th August 2024
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The Zero79 Foundation is raising funds to take 10 family members of fallen commandos to Hawaii for the Na Koa Wounded Warrior and Gold Star Family regatta on August 17th, 2024.

The Na Koa Wounded Warrior and Gold Star regatta is an annual event to recognise the sacrifices of families of the fallen and commemorate their loved ones who lost their lives in service.

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Supporting Commandos and their families through various programs

Honoring fallen Commandos while fostering enduring bonds within the 079 operator network

Our primary objectives include offering meticulously organised social connect and cohesion programs called "Konnect" to commemorate the fallen and strengthen the commando community.

Building a strong community among Australian commandos

We provide support to current and former serving Commandos and their families, and promoting Australian commando businesses worldwide.

Supporting and promoting current and past Australian commando businesses globally

Our secondary objectives include collaborating with defense-based networks like the Commando Welfare Trust and supporting Australian commando businesses worldwide.

079 Network Testimonials

Read what our commandos and their families have to say

Zero79 Foundation’s support of Josie and Daniel has been beyond amazing. In August 2023, Zero79 invited them to be a part of the Na Koa Wounded Warrior Canoe Regatta in Hawaii. It allowed Josie and Daniel to be a part of a truly special experience, where they were able to honour their father, Tim Aplin. If it weren’t for Zero79 Foundation and the donations from various institutions, fundraising events and the generosity of people, Jos and Dan would never have had this opportunity. We are forever grateful for their support

Jen Aplin

Commando Family

The Zero 79 Foundation has helped me reconnect with the current and former community through their Konnect programs. It's run by people in the community who are in touch with what commandos need


2 CDO REGT Operator 2007 - 2016

I support the Zero79 Foundation because they support me and those like me. For those of us who have worked to the pinnacle of the military as Commandos, both on deployment and in training, leaving the military can be extremely difficult. Rapid identity changes, seemingly unreachable networks, uncertainty in the workplace and challenges around self worth are common place. What the Zero79 Foundation offers us is a way to feel connected again, valued as a member of a community and support for our families. The sacrifices of some have gone far beyond service and the Zero79 Foundation recognised that unique sacrifice like no one else could

tom. b

Former 2 CDO REGT Operator

The Zero79 Foundation was the first to offer its support to me despite there being many other Special Forces charities. They helped me when I needed it, and I am forever grateful. The Foundation is assisting other Commandos like me in various different ways, which is fantastic. There was a saying when I was at 2 Cdo Regt. It was “Commando for life”, and this charity stands by that saying.


2 CDO REGT Operator 2009 - 2014

The journey to being a Commando is arguably one of thehardest things a person will ever do, but also the most rewarding. It means arelentless pursuit of excellence and selfless dedication to service that meansyou sacrifice a lot personally and collectively. The Zero79 foundation isrecognising these sacrifices through providing meaningful initiatives specificto the Commando community to ensure we continue the legacy of those who havepaid the ultimate sacrifice.


Former 2 CDO REGT Officer

Attending the recent Brisbane Zero79 event with my partner was a really enjoyable night. A heartfelt thank you to the foundation for orchestrating such an enjoyable evening, selecting a happening venue, and fostering connections among partners of both serving and retired unit members. It's incredibly refreshing to feel this support, especially considering the challenges that often extend beyond life in the unit. Grateful to see the partners considered and I will encourage other spouses to get along to future events. Thanks again

carly c

Commando Family

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